Science Monster Home Movie Catalog

Home > 16mm > Space Aliens > It Came from Outer Space

IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE (1953/Universal) 80 Minutes Black & White. 16mm Excellent Original

THE science fiction movie of the fifties. Leaves a warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach as most Universal International monster movies from the fifties do. Return to to the womb of Saturday afternoons in front of the TV. Or at the theater if you're really old. From a Ray Bradbury story, featuring the California desert, and starring Richard Carlson. JEEPERS! Directed by Jack Arnold; Produced by William Alland; Screenplay by Harry Essex; Photographed by Clifford Stine; Music by Joseph Gershenson & Herman Stein. From "The Meteor" by Ray Bradbury. Starring Richard Carlson, Barbara Rush, Charles Drake, Joseph Sawyer, Russell Johnson, Kathleen Hughes, Morey Amsterdam.